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  • wsj8542

Charities' impact through great design

Oxford Design and Illustration is setting up a robust research project and follow-up conference, to assess how great design can maximise the impact that charities can have in the world.

As well as reviewing all existing data and scientific research, we will be interviewing the leaders of global high-impact charities as well as emerging charities that are exploring new ways to connect with their potential donors. The report, and wide publicity, will provide robust evidence on the impact of great design and also advice on how it can be used effectively.

For agencies that specialise in helping this sector, this is an opportunity to demonstrate your impact through robust research and benefit from best practice in just how to maximise the clients' success.

For leaders in the charity sector, this is an opportunity to explore how best to maximise your impact in your chosen sector and to demonstrate thought leadership in this crucial area.

Contact us for information on how you can get involved

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