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Great charities
great design

Helping you to help others

Animated videos for people to apply positive psychology and be more happy in their lives.

Episode 1: Just say thanks

Episode 2: Compliment someone


How to be happy

Leadership Charity: app design

Design for app and website where the client wanted a very upbeat (but not childish) feel. They wanted it to look very different from normal management/business apps and to be very bright, colourful and to really stand out. 

Sustainable Travel Company:

Design for travel brochure and web site. Client did not want the normal photographic images and layout. 

Islamic Charity Art auction

One of a series of calligraphic art works, illustrating verses from the Holy Quran, to be auctioned for the charity. 

This one is Sura 16:68 about the bee who sometimes makes his home in our homes but also provides goodness. 

Cultural Charity: VIP Gift

Promotional gift box design for a cultural charity to present to VIP donors

William Scott-Jackson GDE 2.2 Opera OUTCOME3.png

Graphic Design for good: Conference Posters

Client wanted reference to classic design styles so mixed Constructivist with Bauhaus type designs for three different themes: Typography, Image/design and layout/grid. 

4. Idea 6 Constructivist V5_image.png

Charity Campaign video

A highly emotive video to encourage recycling and donation of mobile phones for Sudan. 

click for video - see you in a minute!

9. Sudan V8A girl.png

Anti pollution video

A campaign video to persuade people to use less plastic and save the seas. 

The Charity Design Blog

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